What Happens During an Eyelid Lift?

What Happens During an Eyelid Lift

An eyelid lift or Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed to improve the look of the eyes. In cases where the eyelid is excessively droopy, it can improve vision. It entails the surgical excision of the skin, fatty tissue, or muscle from the eyelids. The procedure seeks to correct problems such as loose skin, swelling, and creases in the eye area. Here’s what happens during an eyelid lift:

Anesthesia Administration

The plastic surgery process begins with the administration of anesthesia to help manage the patient’s pain and discomfort. Anesthesia can be general or local, depending on the magnitude of the surgery and the patient’s preference. Local anesthesia with or without light sedation is most suitable for upper Blepharoplasty, whereas general anesthesia may be used for combined upper and lower eyelid surgery. 

The anesthesiologist or surgeon closely observes the patient’s vital signs during this process. Local anesthesia is administered by injecting a local anesthetic into the region of the eyelids while sedation calms the patient. General anesthesia places the patient under a state of anesthesia throughout the duration of the surgery.

Marking of Incision Lines

The surgeon outlines the intended incision lines on the patient’s eyelids. Using a specialized medical marker, they create lines that follow the natural crease of the upper eyelids. For lower eyelids, the incision may be placed below the lashes or within the conjunctiva using the transconjunctival technique. These markings are carefully positioned according to the patient’s facial anatomy, the extent of skin to be adjusted, and the desired aesthetic outcome.

Incisions Made Along Natural Eyelid Creases

Using either a scalpel or laser knife, the surgeon proceeds to make incisions along the marked lines on the skin. For the upper eyelids, the incision typically extends from the inner canthus to just beyond the outer canthus along the lid crease, strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. In the case of lower eyelids, the incision may be positioned just beneath the lash line or within the conjunctiva. Careful thought is given to the precise placement of these incisions to minimize scarring and facilitate speedy healing.

Excess Skin Removal

After making the incisions, the surgeon’s primary objective in Blepharoplasty is to tighten loose skin. Using surgical instruments, they carefully remove excess skin that contributes to droopy eyelids. The aim is to achieve a balanced removal, avoiding over-reduction, which may lead to complications such as dry eyes or an overly operated appearance.

Removal or Repositioning of Fat Deposits

Many patients who opt for eyelid lift surgery often have excess fat around their eyes, which may cause swelling or bags. The surgeon addresses this by lifting or repositioning these fat pockets to achieve a more youthful and streamlined appearance. In some cases, particularly for the lower eyelids, fat may be repositioned rather than removed to achieve a more natural outcome. The surgeon may remove herniated fat that protrudes through weakened orbital septum tissue.

Tightening of Underlying Muscles

In cases where the patient has significant ptosis, the surgeon may perform muscle incision and suturing. This procedure, referred to as canthopexy or canthoplasty, involves reinforcing the tissue that supports the eyelid. Strengthening these structures provides additional lift and stability to the eyelid, which can be beneficial for older patients or those with lax eyelids. This muscle tightening not only enhances the longevity of the results but improves eyelid function, particularly if drooping is impacting vision.

Closure of Incisions With Fine Sutures

After removing excess skin and tightening necessary muscles, the surgeon proceeds to close the incisions by suturing. This involves delicately aligning and securing the edges of the incisions with fine thread, known as sutures. Depending on the location and specific needs of the patient, different types of sutures may be used. Dissolvable sutures are chosen when applicable to avoid the need for removal. Deeper layers are often sutured using absorbable material in a multi-layered approach.

Application of Sterile Dressings

These dressings act as barriers between the incisions and external contaminants. They control minor hemorrhage or fluid loss and apply gentle pressure to reduce inflammation. Applying ice packs after the surgery can minimize inflammation and pain.

Getting Plastic Surgery 

Each procedure in eyelid lift surgery is carefully customized to meet specific needs and goals. From removing excess skin to adjusting muscles and repositioning fat, every step aims to achieve natural and balanced results. Work with a skilled specialist to make sure your experience is guided by expertise and tailored to meet your unique expectations for rejuvenated and refreshed eyes.


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