ATT MyResults: Your Path to Success and Growth

ATT MyResults

Are you an AT&T employee looking to boost your career and achieve your professional goals? Look no further than ATT MyResults! This powerful tool is designed to help you track your progress, set meaningful objectives, and take charge of your career development. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about ATT MyResults and how it can transform your work life.

What is ATT MyResults?

ATT MyResults is a performance management system used by AT&T to help employees set goals, track progress, and receive feedback. It’s more than just a tool – it’s a philosophy that encourages continuous growth and improvement. With ATT MyResults, you can:

  • Set clear, measurable goals
  • Track your progress throughout the year
  • Receive regular feedback from your manager
  • Align your objectives with company goals
  • Identify areas for improvement and development

ATT MyResults is all about empowering you to take control of your career and reach new heights in your professional journey.

The Importance of Goal Setting with ATT MyResults

Setting goals is like creating a roadmap for your success. With ATT MyResults, you can chart your course and stay on track. Here’s why goal setting is so crucial:

  1. Direction: Goals give you a clear sense of where you’re heading in your career.
  2. Motivation: Having targets to aim for keeps you motivated and engaged.
  3. Focus: Goals help you prioritize your tasks and efforts.
  4. Measurability: With set goals, you can easily track your progress and achievements.
  5. Growth: Challenging goals push you to learn new skills and expand your capabilities.

ATT MyResults makes goal setting easy and effective. You can create SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that align with both your personal aspirations and AT&T’s business objectives.

Strategies for Success with ATT MyResults

To make the most of ATT MyResults, try these proven strategies:

1. Be Specific and Clear

When setting your goals in ATT MyResults, be as specific as possible. Instead of “Improve customer service,” try “Increase customer satisfaction scores by 10% within six months.”

2. Break Down Big Goals

Large goals can feel overwhelming. Use ATT MyResults to break them into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes your objectives less daunting and easier to achieve.

3. Regular Check-ins

Don’t wait for your annual review! Use ATT MyResults to schedule regular check-ins with your manager. This keeps you on track and allows for timely adjustments.

4. Seek Feedback

ATT MyResults isn’t just about self-assessment. Actively seek feedback from colleagues and managers to get a well-rounded view of your performance.

5. Align with Company Goals

Use ATT MyResults to understand how your work contributes to AT&T’s broader objectives. This alignment can boost your motivation and impact.

Maintaining Motivation with ATT MyResults

Staying motivated throughout the year can be challenging. Here’s how ATT MyResults can help:

  1. Visualize Progress: Use the tracking features to see how far you’ve come. Small wins add up!
  2. Celebrate Milestones: Set mini-goals and celebrate when you achieve them.
  3. Learn from Setbacks: If you fall short, use ATT MyResults to analyze why and plan your comeback.
  4. Connect with Peers: Share your goals with colleagues for mutual support and accountability.
  5. Reward Yourself: Plan rewards for when you hit major milestones in your ATT MyResults journey.

Remember, motivation comes from within, but ATT MyResults provides the structure and support to keep that fire burning.

Measuring Progress with ATT MyResults

One of the most powerful features of ATT MyResults is its ability to help you measure your progress. Here’s how to make the most of it:

Quantitative Metrics

Use ATT MyResults to track numerical data related to your goals. This could include:

  • Sales figures
  • Customer satisfaction scores
  • Project completion rates
  • Efficiency improvements

Qualitative Assessments

Not everything can be measured in numbers. ATT MyResults also allows for qualitative evaluations:

  • Feedback from peers and managers
  • Self-reflection on skill development
  • Documentation of key achievements and learnings

Regular Reviews

Schedule time in your calendar to review your ATT MyResults data. This consistent check-in helps you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.

Overcoming Obstacles with ATT MyResults

Even with the best-laid plans, obstacles can arise. Here’s how ATT MyResults can help you overcome challenges:

  1. Identify Roadblocks: Use the system to pinpoint where you’re struggling.
  2. Seek Resources: ATT MyResults can guide you to training and development opportunities.
  3. Adjust Goals: If circumstances change, don’t be afraid to revise your goals in ATT MyResults.
  4. Learn from Others: Use ATT MyResults to connect with colleagues who’ve faced similar challenges.
  5. Stay Positive: Focus on your progress, not perfection. ATT MyResults helps you see how far you’ve come.

Maximizing Your Potential with ATT MyResults

ATT MyResults isn’t just about meeting expectations – it’s about exceeding them. Here are some advanced tips to take your performance to the next level:

Skill Development

Use ATT MyResults to identify skills gaps and create a personal development plan. This proactive approach can set you apart and open new opportunities within AT&T.

Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Look for goals in ATT MyResults that allow you to work with other teams. This broadens your experience and network within the company.

Innovation Goals

Include goals in ATT MyResults that focus on innovation or process improvement. This shows initiative and can have a significant impact on the company.


Consider adding mentorship (either as a mentor or mentee) to your ATT MyResults goals. This can accelerate your growth and contribute to a positive company culture.

The Future of Work and ATT MyResults

As the workplace evolves, so does ATT MyResults. Here’s how it’s adapting to future trends:

  • Remote Work: ATT MyResults helps maintain accountability and connection in distributed teams.
  • Continuous Feedback: The system supports ongoing conversations, not just annual reviews.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: ATT MyResults provides valuable data for both employees and managers to make informed career decisions.
  • Personalized Development: As AI advances, expect ATT MyResults to offer even more tailored recommendations for your growth.

Success Stories: ATT MyResults in Action

While respecting privacy, here are some anonymized examples of how employees have used ATT MyResults to achieve great things:

  1. A customer service rep used ATT MyResults to track their progress in reducing call times while maintaining high satisfaction scores. They achieved a 15% improvement in efficiency.
  2. An IT specialist set a goal in ATT MyResults to learn a new programming language. They’re now leading a project using those skills.
  3. A sales team used ATT MyResults to align their individual goals, resulting in a record-breaking quarter for their region.

These stories show the real impact ATT MyResults can have when used effectively.

Conclusion: Your ATT MyResults Journey

ATT MyResults is more than just a performance management tool – it’s your partner in professional growth. By setting clear goals, tracking your progress, and staying motivated, you can achieve things you never thought possible.

Remember, your journey with ATT MyResults is unique to you. Embrace the process, be honest in your self-assessments, and don’t be afraid to dream big. With dedication and the right tools, there’s no limit to what you can achieve at AT&T.

So, log in to ATT MyResults today and take the first step towards a brighter, more successful future. Your next big achievement is waiting – go out there and make it happen!

Frequently Asked Questions 

How often should I update my goals in ATT MyResults?

It’s recommended to review and update your goals in ATT MyResults at least quarterly. However, for best results, try to check in monthly or even weekly to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

 Can my manager see everything I put in ATT MyResults?

Yes, your manager has access to the goals and progress you record in ATT MyResults. This transparency helps facilitate meaningful discussions about your performance and development.

 What if I’m not meeting my ATT MyResults goals?

If you’re struggling to meet your goals, don’t panic. Use ATT MyResults to document the challenges you’re facing and schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss strategies for getting back on track.

How does ATT MyResults affect my performance review?

ATT MyResults plays a significant role in your performance review. The goals you set and your progress towards them are key factors in evaluating your overall performance.

Can I change my goals mid-year in ATT MyResults?

Yes, you can adjust your goals in ATT MyResults if circumstances change. However, it’s best to discuss significant changes with your manager to ensure alignment with team and company objectives.

Is ATT MyResults available on mobile devices?

Yes, ATT MyResults is accessible via mobile devices, allowing you to update your progress and check your goals on the go.

How can I use ATT MyResults for long-term career planning?

Use the goal-setting feature in ATT MyResults to outline your long-term career aspirations. You can then break these down into smaller, annual objectives that build towards your ultimate career goals.

What happens if I transfer to a different department within AT&T?

Your ATT MyResults profile will transfer with you. Work with your new manager to adjust your goals to align with your new role and department objectives.

How does ATT MyResults compare to performance management systems at other companies?

While every system is unique, ATT MyResults is known for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive goal-tracking features, and integration with AT&T’s overall employee development philosophy.

Can I get additional training on how to use ATT MyResults effectively?

Absolutely! AT&T offers regular training sessions on making the most of ATT MyResults. Check your company’s learning portal or ask your HR representative for upcoming opportunities.


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